The All-Commonwealth Athletic Conference football teams and awards were recently announced.
Both Whittier Tech (Lower Division) and Greater Lawrence (Upper Division) were well represented, as the Wildcats had six all-conference selections and five honorable mentions and the Reggies had five all-conference selections and four honorable mentions.
Whittier took home two special awards, as senior Will King was named a co-lineman of the year and Kevin Bradley was named the Coach of the Year.
Here’s a look at all of the selections:
Lower Division
Whittier Tech: William King, sr., dl; Nick Almanzar, sr., rb; Eric Talley, jr., lb; Anderson Pineda, jr., rb; Anthony Midolo, sr., lb; Tom Knight, sr., te.
Kipp: Morenel Castro, sr., wr/rb; Jovan Machado, sr., rb/lb; Chanel Gutierrez, sr., qb/lb; Joseph Beato, soph., ol/dl; Andrew Gonzalez, sr., wr; Jose Echavarria, fr., wr/db.
Nashoba Tech: Anthony Panetta, sr., rb/lb; Shaun Driscoll, sr., ol/dl; Andrew Ferreira, sr., rb; Oliver Storlazzi, sr., rb; Kamari Litalien, sr., lb/te.
Lynn Tech: Cesar Reyes, sr., rb; Ethan Prum, sr., wr; Joshua Louis, jr., dt; Alvaro Ossambo, sr., og; Tahrynce Thompson, sr., cb;
Manchester-Essex: Stephen Martin, sr., rb/lb; Quinn Brady, sr., rb/lb; Cian Brennock, jr., ol/dl; Zach Hurd, soph., qb/rb.
Lowell Catholic: Aidan Virella, sr., wr.; Zack Gosselin, jr, ol/dl; Divine Burroughs, soph., dl.
Honorable Mention (locals only)
Whittier Tech: Samuel Demello, sr., dl; David Tateeosian, jr., lb; Ethan Massy, jr., ol; Cody Annaloro, jr., ol; Walter Powell, jr., olb.
Special Awards
Coach of the Year: Kevin Bradley, Whittier Tech
MVP: Morievel Castro (Kipp)
Co-lineman of the year: Shawn Driscoll (Nashoba Tech) and Will King (Whittier Tech)
Upper Division
Greater Lawrence: Isiah Suero, sr., qb; Jordan Urena, sr., db; Michael Mejia-Pena, sr., dt; Aiden Fumero, sr., de; Gustavo Varela, soph., rb.
Shawsheen Tech: Ryan Copson, sr., wr/db; Richard Elliott III, sr., ol/dl; Austin Malandain, sr., ol/dl; Caleb Caceres, sr., rb; Damian Ortiz, sr., rb/lb; Zach Rogers, sr., wr/de; Cullen Walsh, jr., ol/dl; Sidney Tildsley, jr., qb/db; James Tildsley, soph., lb/rb.
Northeast: Chris Zullo, sr., rb; Aidan Jones, sr., ol; Devin Nieves, sr., rb; Jackson O’Soro, sr., db; Dylan Hovermale, soph., lb; Mateus Pereira, jr., lb.
Gr. Lowell: Aviren Chitpaseuth, jr., rb/lb; Mauser Sencion, jr., ol/dl; Jonathan Githitu, sr., wr/db.
Honorable Mentions (locals only)
Gr. Lawrence: Josha Matos, sr., db; Daniel Laurendeau, sr., db; Jesus Guzman, jr., ot; Yavian Maldonado, soph., mlb.
Special Awards
Coach of the Year: Al Costabile (Shawsheen Tech)
MVP: Sid Tildsley (Shawsheen Tech)
Co-Linemen of the Year: Austin Malandain and Richard Elliott III (Shawsheen Tech).