“I have often heard the words ‘fate’ and ‘destiny’ used interchangeably, but they are not the same,” says Carol Berry, executive director of Cullman’s Restoring Women Outreach, Inc. “They are very different. ‘Fate’ implies a lack of control, while ‘destiny’ suggests a sense of purpose or direction.
“The ladies who will occupy this home and their families are very familiar with fate and the lack of control addictions brings. So I am happy to see destiny replace fate in the lives of these ladies. Witnessing their lives full of purpose and direction is priceless.”
The extensive renovation project to establish the Destiny house involved the generous financial, material, volunteer labor and creative contributions of a wide network of local people, organizations, and businesses. Below is a room-by-room listing of all the local contributors who helped make the new women’s residence possible.
— Living room (dedicated in memory of Sarah Marie Milligan, and in honor of Wendy Warren Woods)
Designer — Donna Richter
Sponsors — Donna Richter Interiors, Village Furniture & Gifts, Tim Richter
— Kitchen (dedicated in memory of Danny Elwin McAfee)
Designer — Amy Wood
Sponsor — Cullman Cabinet and The Added Touch
— Master bedroom
Designer — Libby Hill
Sponsor — Cullman Women’s League and White Willow
— Master bathroom
Designer — Libby Hill
Sponsor — Cullman Women’s League, White Willow, Ferguson Plumbing Supply
— Bedroom #1 (dedicated in memory of Amy Drake)
Designer — Jimmy Drake
Sponsor — J Drake Salon
— Bedroom #2 (dedicated in memory of Patrick James Kelly)
Designer — Beth Veigl
Sponsor — Cullman Vacation Rentals (www.Cullmanvacationrentals.com)
— Main Bathroom (dedicated in memory of Patrick James Kelly)
Designer — Beth Veigl
Sponsor — Cullman Vacation Rentals
— Porch (dedicated in memory of CJ Berry)
Designer — Kim Self
Sponsor — Sacred Heart Altar Society and the Knights of Columbus Chapter #1484