Every year we get to the end and begin planning what we’re going to change about ourselves for the New Year. Some may want to lose weight, others to read a book every day. But if we’re being 100% honest, most of the time, these resolutions never last. Some would say we take on too much at once, but I believe it’s because we don’t sit down to think about what truly drives us to succeed. Why do you really want this goal? Beyond external rewards and expectations, what is the deeper reason(s) behind why you want to make these changes in your life? There is a purpose or reason behind everything you do. It is your “why” and it is the spark that fuels you to go out of your way to do more and achieve your goals. But without it, even your successes can feel empty. It is only with a clear “why” that you can move forward and exceed in life!
Examples of “Why”
Your why is a deep, personal reflection on your values and what truly matters to you. One person’s “why” might be a teacher wanting to make an impact on their students life. Another might be a grandparent wanting to stay healthy and mobile so that they can enjoy life with their family longer. A “why” can be anything, as long as you are genuinely passionate about it.
Finding you ‘Why’
Not knowing why you do what you do can be a challenging thought to have. There are a few signs that may show you haven’t quite figured it out yet. You may feel unmotivated or aimless despite the hard work you do every day, constantly questioning the value behind your efforts.
Another sign is chasing and actually achieving your goals—but still finding it unfulfilling. You may feel a deadness or emptiness inside, when you feel like you should be happy. These are signs that you haven’t aligned your values—your “whys” –with what you are actually doing. It is important to give yourself some time to do the internal work to clarify what your values actually are if you are going to have the motivation you need for the long haul.
The “Why Highway”
When it comes to fitness goals, people usually talk about losing fat or moving more or getting healthier. These are all fine desires. But for many of us, while these desires would be nice (if we could have them with little time and effort) the reality of actually putting in the work for them seems like more of an interruption than an asset to our everyday lives. They are just surface level things that we think we want. Sure, the idea of losing some inches off the waist or hips, or toning the arms might inspire for a few weeks, but for most people, how much does that really matter? How easy are they to give up on?
Discovering “why” you really want to change is what brings resolve. It is the reason…behind the reason…behind the surface reason you want to make a change. It requires some thought and an exercise called “The Why Highway” can help kick start the process. For example, say you
want to change your eating and exercise habits. You then ask, “Why?” And you realize you want to lose weight. And again you ask, “Why?” Well, you’d like to fit in your clothes better. Why?
And you realize you feel a bit of shame over how you look and you want to feel better about yourself. Now you can ask yourself if eating better and exercising will improve how you feel about yourself or if you should be more self-accepting first. You may realize that your life and body are a gift and you have been treating them poorly. You no longer want to do that. Why? Maybe because you want to honor your Maker, or because you love yourself. So here, in this example we have drilled down to some core values of honor and love and those are a lot stronger levers to promote action and change than just losing weight or looking better in your clothes!
Now as we move forward into this New Year, before you make any more resolutions, make it a goal to find your deeper “why(s).” Understanding your purpose and linking your resolutions and habit changes to your deeper values will give them far greater meaning and transform how you live each day. When you uncover what drives you, your goals become clearer, your actions more intentional, and challenges are easier to face. Take the first step down the “Why Highway” today. Your future self will thank you!
Tucker Gregg is a fitness consultant at Bradley Wellness Center in Dalton.