THOMASVILLE- Thomas County’s 2024 “Street to Station” recruits were presented to the Board of Commissioners at the September 24h regular meeting.
“Street to Station” is an Apprenticeship Program of Southern Regional Technical College conducted jointly with Thomas County Emergency Services. Recruits are hired off the street with no certification, employed by Thomas County, and put though a rigorous 16-month training program.
Recruits successfully completing the program will hold a Firefighter I and an Advanced Emergency Medical Technician state certification. The 10 recruits were selected from over 70 applications. They have successfully completed Southern Regional admissions requirements and Thomas County firefighter physical agility drills. The recruits were hired as County employees effective September 11.
Director Derrick Ogletree stated, “We are excited for these recruits, who will train and work alongside Thomas County Emergency Services first responders.” For more information about the Street to Station call Ogletree at 227-6988.