Here’s an ingenious idea for a book series: each book features a killer, à la Lizzie Borden, being reincarnated to contemporary times and she uses the same form of killing as the original murderer.
Well, the series already exists and is the brainchild of Emma Leigh Reed (or E.L. Reed as she is known in crime fiction circles), originally from New Hampshire, but now residing in Tennessee. Growing up an avid reader, it was only natural for her to turn to creating stories for others to enjoy.
Enjoy the Q&A I conducted with Reed who expounded on her works and writing style.
Prompt: Tell us about your writing process and the way you brainstorm story ideas.
Reed: I spend a lot of time researching before starting a new book. How much time I spend researching depends on the book I am writing. I try to write daily, but I tend to set goals that allow for a day or two missed during the week so I always feel like I’m reaching my goals. On average, I can write a rough draft in about a month, give or take.
Q: What is your inspiration for writing?
Reed: Inspiration is tough. I’m not sure I really have any inspiration. Writing is my passion and when I don’t write I feel like a part of me is missing.
Q: Do you believe in writer’s block?
Reed: I definitely believe in writer’s block. There was a time I believed writer’s block was more creative procrastination rather than lack of ideas, but I think sometimes there are physical or mental things that can interfere with the writing process. But there is a difference between writer’s block and just a lack of motivation.
Q: How did you celebrate the publishing of your first book?
Reed: The publishing of my first book was celebrated with a writing friend of mine with champagne.
Q: What other authors are you friends with and how do they help you become a better writer?
Reed: I have a lot of writing friends, but specifically I get together a lot with J.L. Lawrence who writes fantasy. We attend a lot of book events together and will have “writing weekends” where we just write. It is great to have those times as it allows for a lot of brainstorming, critiquing and talking through difficult chapters. I also write with Jeanne Hardt and Cynthia Gayle.
Q: If you were given the opportunity to form a book club with your favorite authors of all time, which legends or contemporary writers would you want to become a part of the club?
Reed: Can we bring people back from the beyond? If so, I would love to be a part of a club with Agatha Christie. She has always been one of my all-time favorites. Others I would include are Hank Phillippi Ryan, Lee Child and Neil Gaiman.
Q: How do you think the concepts such as Kindle and ebooks have changed the present or future of reading?
Reed: I think they have added to the ways writers can reach readers.
Q: What marketing strategies do you find most helpful?
Reed: I love in-person book events which give me a chance to really talk with readers. I think newsletters are also a great way to share information regarding upcoming releases, signings, etc., with readers.
Q: Can you tell us about your current projects?
Reed: Currently I am finishing up Book 3 of the Memories of Murder series (“Poison,” scheduled for release September 2023). This series is based on female killers being reincarnated into modern times. Inspiration for these books has come from various real female killers. I am also working on the first book in a series called “Holden Hauntings: In Her Dreams.”
Q: Any advice you would like to give to aspiring writers?
Reed: Keep writing. There are times it is going to be daunting and overwhelming, but if it is truly your passion, persevere.
• Reed is also the author of romantic suspense and women’s fiction and has co-authored children’s books. Connect with Reed, stay up-to-date on her newest works and purchase her books in print format or as an ebook at her website
And many of her works can be checked out with your PINES library card.