What a difference a day makes, as Dinah Washington’s old hit goes (with lush strings behind her). Yes, it’s ironic how the GOP was mainly doing things right for a head to head contest with declining Pres. Biden; and how overnight, their M.O. became more wrong-headed against Kamala!
What do I mean, i.e., that right turned somewhat wrong? Just this: a kick-butt tone at the GOP convention not only highlighted misguided Dem policies of the past several years, but via a stark contrast, the lethal weakness of then-presumed candidate Biden. Being strong and forthright was indeed the way to go, including an appearance from Hulk Hogan. When you’re hot you’re hot, right?
And then came … Kamala! Fresh, smooth, a unifier of her party and putatively, of the nation; and ANYTHING but Biden.
I know – Ms. Harris did endorse all the admin’s policies, not least regarding the southern border, which has been worst of the lot. Plus inflation-enhancing legislation. However, where she stands now matters less than … how she looks and sounds!
And yes, she’s smooth as silk! She’s an attractive candidate, she’s lulling, and to cite another old ditty, even some who’ve critiqued the Dems’ tenure in the Oval Office will be “almost persuaded.”
It seems likely that Harris will grab more of the youth vote than Mr. B., more older women, more Blacks and other minorities, plus types on the proverbial fence. Not to mention the usual suspects in Hollywood or among the literati. Meaning (it says here, and polls have been confirming it) that she has a real chance of winning.
Also that to make it a worthy contest, Republicans need to change their M.O., which of course they’ve done to a degree. Some, for instance, feel they should speak only of issues, not of Kamala’s frequent smiles or laughs that might formerly have seemed bizarre. Some say they should tread lightly in order to avoid being labeled racist or misogynistic.
But will all that be enough, especially in the so-called swing states? To be seen…
I’d thought a different VP pick on the Republican side might also help, but it ain’t going to happen. In any event Sen. Vance turns out to be deeper and more cogent than I’d initially thought. But will he persuade those on an opposite flank?
What of Mr. Trump? Ah, he used to look so young and vibrant against Joe, and now against fresh, new Kamala, so besuited, and, well … old. Anything to do there? Not much, either, though he still speaks well, especially on an economy this business person understands from long experience.
What of parrying the Democratic chorus of felon, felon, felon by showing what a prejudiced, nonsensical “legal” operation he endured at the hands of Messrs. Bragg and Merchan? Will it be easy to fend off THAT a cappella?
Probably not, given extensively biased swaths of the media and too much plain ignorance about. So … what IS your answer? (Oh all-knowing Oracle…)
Unfortunately, it ain’t handy. Maybe Kamala just soothed and smoothed it out of me! As she’s doubtless done with many as the election approaches at what now feels like breakneck speed. This Svengali of sorts has already buffaloed lots of people, I’d bet – and right out of their good sense and objectivity!
I mentioned gorgeous violins buttressing Dinah on “What a Difference a Day Makes.” Well when Kamala speaks, some of us hear violins, too! Which tells me that Republicans better not use rap in response.
What melodies (literally and figuratively) SHOULD they play? As Shakespeare’s Hamlet would say, that is the question (for this now somewhat snookered party). Ah, for a GOP that was so exultant at its convention and then revealed in the old adage, that pride indeed goeth before a fall.
But therein may lurk an answer of sorts to the party’s problem. If this GOP got too full of itself tilting against risible Joe, perhaps the Dems will have time to become overly full of themselves in return. First test: RFK Jr.’s defection to Trump. A far worse and always possible blow: if some gruesome event in the world or at home highlights how bad some of the party’s policies have been and still, under polished Kamala, would remain were she to win.