Cumberland Plateau Amateur Radio Club officers, from left, President JJ Oreff W0FFA,Vice President Nick Smith W4GKM, Secretary Patricia Dominguez, Treasurer Esta May Bringenber KN4QDD and husband Richard KN4OHM, are planning the Cumberland County Fair operation. The club will be set up at the first booth to the left for those entering through the main gate. Stop by to see ham radio set up and in operation. Those who would like to talk on ham radio will be helped with what to say by a licensed operator. Members will also demonstrate different modes of communication, including the most popular new model FT8, which will make a complete QSO, or contact, in 30 seconds. Cumberland Plateau Amateur Radio Club in Crossville was established to serve the public, further the art of amateur radio communication, and promote high standards in amateur radio. The club operates three repeaters, W8EYU/R on 146.865 MHZ (PL 118.8), 146.895 MHZ (PL 118.8), and W8EYU/R on 443.850 (PL 118.8). It is affiliated with the American Radio Relay League. The club is dedicated to the enjoyment and educational enrichment of members through the open sharing of ideas. All officers and directors are elected yearly by a direct vote of the membership.