Thoughts on Andover High field hockey coach and 2022 Eagle-Tribune Sportsman of the Year Maureen Noone:
Andover basketball coach David Fazio: “Maureen is an old-school coach that has high standards, and gets her kids to play way above their talent level. They play with toughness and grit that makes them championship teams. Her kids are the greatest examples of what a student-athlete should be.”
Former Andover standout/current Golden Warrior hockey coach Meg Keefe: “Coach Noone has been a mentor of mine through high school, college, and as a coach. She has the ability of getting every ounce of commitment, respect and grit out of everyone on and off the field! It has been an honor to play for her, and to this day she is my go to person if I need advice!”
Former Andover standout Hailey Doherty: “Coach Noone was one of the best coaches I have ever had. She had very high expectations for all of her players. She coached with the perfect mix of knowing when it was time to get serious and when we had some time to goof off and have a little bit of fun. She was also the most caring coach I have ever known.”
Andover football/volleyball coach E.J. Perry: “Maureen is one of the most professional coaches that I have ever met. I have watched from afar and close up to see her style and grace as she coaches. During her first title run, we were able to get the football team to attend many of the games. She is supportive of all athletics. I see her at football games, volleyball games and softball games. she will always go to games when her players are playing other sports — hockey, basketball or softball. She is an institution in the school.”
Former Andover standout Laura Dimitruck: “Coach Noone challenged us to be the best student-athletes we could be. She was always supportive and pushed us on the field to be the best field hockey team we could be. It didn’t matter what level or position you had on the team but she expected your best, engaged effort when you had the opportunity. I was fortunate enough to play all four seasons with her and we were able to work towards that first state championship in 2010 together. She helped me learn the game and see the field in different ways I had not before.”
Andover track coach Peter Comeau: Maureen changed the culture of field hockey at Andover high school. She is a great coach but a better person. She is so passionate about the sport, but still keeps the kids first. She been nothing but an asset to our school and community.”
Andover parent and WBZ sportscaster Dan Roche: “What’s impressed me most about Maureen isn’t all the state championships. It’s all about her players. She finds their strengths on the field and puts them in a position to succeed if they do what’s asked. She identifies traits in each player that can help a team became one. Off the field — I shake my head at how her ex-players become her friends for life! She shows how influential a coach can be well after these athletes move on.”
Former Andover standout/current assistant Bridget Morris: “As a player, she always knew how to motivate me to want to play my best for myself and for my teammates. She works so hard to help players realize their potential. She makes you feel like if you work hard enough anything is possible. It has been an honor to coach with her the past couple of years. Being able to learn from her has been amazing. Her dedication to the sport as well as her care for her players is unparalleled.”