DDANVILLE — The Schlarman Academy baseball tam was only up 6-4 in the fifth inning before scoring six runs to clinch a 13-5 win over Heritage on Tuesday.
Ricky Soderstrom had three hits and two RBIs for the Hilltoppers, while Dillion Hemker and Princeton Rush each had two RBIs, Peyton Kummerle had one RBI and Miles Crosby had two hits.
The Hilltoppers are 3-5 and will face Iroquois West on Friday.
At Danville
Schlarman Academy 13, Heritage 5
Heritage`010`121`0`— `5 `5` 2
WP — Princeton Rush. LP — Struck. Two or more hits — H: White SA: Ricky Soderstrom 3, Miles Crosby. 2B — SA: Soderstrom. 3B — SA: Crosby. RBIs — H: Holloman 2, Miller SA: Rush 2, Soderstrom 2, Dillion Hemker 2, Peyton Kummerle.