Darren Pierce says retaining quality deputies and fighting fentanyl will be the major challenges for the Whitfield County Sheriff’s Office during the next four years. Pierce, an 18-year veteran of the sheriff’s office, said he will make sure all employees of the department feel respected and valued. He faces Travis Presley, Glenn Swinney, Glenn Tate and Frank Torres in the May 21 Republican Party primary for sheriff.
Dalton Daily Citizen: Why are you seeking office?
Pierce: I am seeking office because I know the need for change firsthand. Being sheriff is something that I have always wanted to do/be. It’s my dream, my desire, and when I left law enforcement in 2021 I was not certain when I would return. Fast forward to fall 2023, I told my wife I kept feeling God push or lead me back to law enforcement by running for sheriff. I prayed for months for affirmation and God kept giving me signs. Serving the citizens of Whitfield County is in my heart.
DDC: What makes you the most qualified candidate?
Pierce: Even though I am the youngest candidate, I am the most qualified, the most trained, and I have the most experience. I have 18 years of law enforcement experience and I was promoted to sergeant in both the Uniform Patrol Division and Narcotics Unit. While working for the sheriff’s office I was able to obtain my bachelor’s degree through Liberty University in criminal justice. I completed over 2,200 hours of law enforcement training through the Georgia Public Safety Training Center and other training facilities throughout Georgia. If I were to be elected, I would be able to transition smoothly into the role and would not have to go to basic mandate training like other candidates would have to.
DDC: What do you think will be the major challenges facing the sheriff’s office over the next four years and what will you do to address those challenges?
Pierce: I feel that retaining good, quality deputies and trying to control the fentanyl overdoses will be the major challenges. I will bring back the camaraderie and brotherhood that we once had when I first started.
We will make sure that our employees are valued and respected. We will lead, guide and develop our employees into the positions they want to be in. We will develop a K-9 Drug Interdiction Team to help fight the drug issues in our county.
DDC: What are your views regarding government transparency?
Pierce: I agree wholeheartedly that the government should be transparent with its citizens. This is one of my top objectives. If there were a pattern of entering autos or burglaries in my neighborhood I would want to be informed of that, I wouldn’t want that information hidden from me. I think transparency could be used as a tool to help our officers that are trying to solve a crime, and to help our citizens stay informed and keep themselves safe. We must let the community know what is going on in relation to crime, what suspects we are looking for, and community events that the public can attend.
DDC: In just a few words, what else would you like to tell the community about your background, experience, education, qualifications or why a voter should vote for you?
Pierce: I humbly ask for your vote because I am the most qualified candidate. I dedicated 18 years of my adult life to serving the people in Whitfield County and I would love to continue that service. I love Whitfield County and I know the change that Whitfield County needs and I want to be that change. I am raising my family in this county, I want this county to be safe for them, and for you and your families.
Serving this community has been in my heart from a very young age and I would love to be given the opportunity to serve and make the changes needed.