Sex: Barry and Pica – Male, Nala – Female
Age:7-8 weeks
Breed: Domestic shorthair
Barry, Pica and Nala are playful and friendly kittens, approximately 7-8 weeks old, and ready for adoption. All three kittens are litter mates, with Barry and Pica males and Nala is female.
Inquisitive and adventurous, they love to explore new places and experience new things. All three are highly affectionate both with each other and people. They love attention and being scratched under the chin.
All three kittens have had their necessary vaccinations, been dewormed and have had a flea and tick bath. Their adoption fee is $60 each, which also covers a spay/neuter procedure.
To see Barry, Pica and Nala or other adoptable pets visit City of Meridian MS Adoptable Animals on Facebook. Those unable to adopt but wanting to help out are encouraged to give to Meridian Animal Shelter’s spay and neuter fund to help spay and neuter adoptable pets. Residents can also sponsor an animal’s procedure if desired.
For more information about adoptions, the spay and neuter program or other ways you can help shelter pets, contact Meridian Animal Control at 601-485-2325 or stop by their office at 501 Cooper Ave. Meridian Animal Control adoption hours are 10 a.m. to noon and 1-4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.