The world watched in horror the attack by Hamas fighters on Israel. The unprecedented terror attack galvanized the world in support of Israel. The images that the Hamas fighters took were repulsive, as they showed the indiscriminate killings of civilians and the kidnapping of helpless women and children.
About 1,200 Israelis were killed in that attack – which is a huge number compared to previous attacks against Israel. It was also a huge intelligence failure. Not since Yum Kippur war in 1973 did Israel’s intelligence agencies suffer that much failure.
The brazen and vicious attack generated a wave of goodwill towards Israel around the world. President Biden gave an eloquent and emotional speech in support of Israel’s right to defend itself by all means. Normally, when such an endorsement is given, there is usually a gentle request to try to avoid or minimize civilian causality. This time there were no parameters to that green light. It was an open invitation and unrestricted permission to Israel to do whatever it deemed necessary to defend its people and avenge the terrible massacre that it had suffered.
The support for Israel was genuine and impressive and almost universal. And in a show of support and to deter other players in the region from taking advantage of the situation, America sent the Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group to the Mediterranean, close to Israel’s shores. And as if one aircraft carrier and its support group is not enough, it sent another aircraft carrier, the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, as well. The fire power of these two aircraft carriers can destroy a continent, not just a country. This shows the magnitude of America’s support and commitment to Israel.
Israel started bombarding Gaza with airplanes. Images of buildings being destroyed showed the intensity of the bombardment. Still, Israel continued to enjoy the world’s support to punish Hamas and the civilians in the tightly populated Gaza.
Gaza’s 2.3 million population live in only 140 square miles, which is only one third of the area of Effingham County So, attacking Hamas without killing civilians is almost impossible. Although more than 3,000 civilians were killed, the support for Israel did not wane or diminish. Then Israel declared siege on Gaza – cutting, food, water, electricity and fuel from Gaza. This collective punishment directed at civilians is considered illegal under international law. Still, there was no criticism of Israel for taking these cruel punishing and inhumane steps against the helpless civilians who have nothing to do with the war or the atrocities.
And in an unusual show of solidarity, President Biden paid a visit to Israel in the middle of the war. He was not the only one. Chancellor Schultz of Germany also visited Netanyahu and the British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is there now. The support for Israel has been complete and limitless.
Then a savage explosion occurred at Al Ahly Baptist Hospital in Gaza that destroyed most of the hospital and killed approximately 500 people. The images of the carnage were gory and heartbreaking. There are not that many hospitals in Gaza and most are running out of medical supplies, water and fuel for the generators.
That huge explosion changed the dynamics of the unlimited support for Israel. People started asking if this severe punishment of civilians in Gaza is justified as an appropriate response to what Israel had sustained. Israel Defense Forces claimed that the explosion was from a failed rocket from Islamic Jihad, another Palestinian organization. The American Intelligence agencies and President Biden also supported that claim.
Regardless of the origin of the explosion, the massive human toll opened people’s eyes to the tragedies that the Palestinians endure with the sustained Israeli attacks against the population of Gaza. It also changed the purpose of President Biden’s trip to the region when the three Arab leaders, King Abdulla of Jordan, President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority and the Egyptian President El Sisi, who were scheduled to meet with Biden, cancelled their meeting with him. Arab leaders don’t usually cancel a meeting with an American president. But this was the first time as a result of the anger in the streets following that horrific hospital explosion.
The vast demonstrations in almost every country in the world are a reflection of the anger and frustration that are sweeping the world now for the incessant and indiscriminate bombing and the inhumane treatment of innocent civilians in Gaza. While this sense of anger will not deter Israel from proceeding with its plans of massive ground attack against Gaza, it would at least encourage world leaders to search for a humane solution to this bloody war, that would protect civilians on both sides.
This would hopefully stop the bloodshed in this part of the world. Let us hope!
Nash Naam, an Effingham hand surgeon, can be reached at