“Give thanks with a grateful heart …” is the intro to one of my favorite songs. Although Thanksgiving has officially passed, I want to use today’s Moments with the Mayor to do just that.
First and foremost, I’m thankful for our people and organizations who do so much to serve others. The kindness of people in this community and the way we come together to help one another, especially in our times of need, never ceases to amaze me.
I think of the Regional Office of Education’s year-round shoe drive for students. They recently provided a young man with size 17 feet who had been wearing Crocs an actual pair of shoes, and each year, dozens of kids wouldn’t have shoes at all if it weren’t for them. Project Success’ Annual Christmas Wish List not only provides students with shoes, but socks, underwear, a stocking of hygiene items, a coat, outfits, and fun gifts to enjoy. Neither of these would be possible without the thousands of people who donate; Thank you! And where would we be without the youth services provided by the YMCA, Laura Lee, and the Boys & Girls Club?
AMBUCS, Kiwanis, Lions Clubs, and Rotary support these organizations financially and provide many of the volunteers that lead them. The Festival of Trees and Balloons Over Vermilion create amazing events where we make lifelong memories. Our churches and other social service agencies provide food and a host of other invaluable services. The Danville Rescue Mission, Dayspring, YFRC, and the Dwelling Place provide folks shelter and food during their hour of greatest need. Our Neighborhood Associations foster a strong sense of community and those that work so hard to maintain their homes and properties are a constant source of pride.
Second, I’m thankful for our businesses and developers. Do you know that in just the last 5 years, they have created over 600 good-paying jobs for our community and invested more than $250 million in new investments and expansions? We have everything from mom-and-pop shops and micro-businesses to Fortune 500 companies coming to town. We not only had several businesses open during the pandemic, but they thrived due to our support. Downtown is booming again thanks to a combination of business owners who were willing to take a risk and the City investing in them through the TIF District. In fact, we’ve invested over $2.5 Million in TIF Funds to support business throughout town in recent years, and it’s paying off. We had a nearly 75% vacancy rate Downtown 4 years ago whereas we only have about a 25% rate now.
Third, I love living here because of the incredible quality of life. Thanks to our citizens’ talent, tenacity, friendliness, and willingness to serve, there is also always something fun to do. Whether it’s attending First Fridays, catching a moving show at the Red Mask, DLO, or Fischer, listening to great live music at the DSO, taking a painting class at the Danville Art League, participating in Community Education courses at DACC, or attending a Dans or Dashers game, we have a lot of recreational options. Danville and VC have a lot of natural beauty, and our hiking, biking, and boating opportunities are phenomenal.
Finally, I’m thankful for our amazing Aldermen and City Team. Choosing the right people for the right roles has a huge impact on the success of any endeavor. I couldn’t be prouder of the team we have assembled here at the City. They not only have impeccable character but are also incredibly talented. They work themselves to the bone every day because they want nothing more than to make life better for all of us. Without them and all the aforementioned, all of the progress we’ve made would be impossible.
In closing, in mentioning all these people, places, organizations, and their great work, I haven’t even scratched the surface. However, you can see that we have a lot to be thankful for. Thanks to everyone’s efforts both individually and collectively, Danville is becoming an even better place to live, work, invest, and play. I’m truly thankful for this place we call home.
Happy Holidays to each and every one of you.