Many things along the way have made Ann Vote wonder, “Can this really be happening?” But for her and the Mankato West High School Alumni for Walz group one thing is certain: They want to help get their former teacher elected vice president of the United States.
Formed in June 2018 to help get Tim Walz, then congressman from Minnesota’s 1st District, elected governor, the focus changed quickly and fluidly when he was selected by Vice President Kamala Harris to be her running mate in her bid for the White House.
“You know, as millennial children, we quickly utilized Facebook” and the existing page, said Vote, a 2004 West alum now living in New Ulm. But for more directed communication, group texts and a Slack channel are utilized.
Through those venues, the group that now numbers more than 1,200 Facebook members coordinates interview requests, speaking opportunities, postcard writing and mailing, merchandise sales and networking/fundraising events.
“It has been really great,” she said. “The community of Mankato has, I think, just opened up their arms to what can we do. (It) is really beautiful to see a southern Minnesota town now taking the national stage to support their former community member.”
While she didn’t have Walz as a teacher for social studies, Vote became a social studies teacher herself. After 12 years, she took a break when she had her second child. When she returned, she filled in as a long-term art substitute, which opened the door to her current profession.
“Now I am a culture coach and a motivational speaker, and I help leaders create environments where their employees or their students or their board members can feel valued, trusted and confident,” she said.
Vote sees a strong parallel between that and what Walz did in the classroom and what he and Harris are doing politically.
“I think that’s exactly what Harris and Walz are going to show us. (That) we are valued as American people. We have ideas. We have differing opinions, but we are all valued in this government. So, how can we show up as our best selves?”
Angie Brunner is a 2001 Mankato West alumni who heads up the nationwide postcard writing effort. She said members of group feel they can have an impact by sharing personal experiences about Walz.
“We have organized writers in over 15 states so far who have committed to writing over 900 postcards to date,” she said, noting her partner in this effort, Richelle Norton (2001), is the owner of North Star Art Club where she hosts event.
“Together, our goal is to write 5,000 postcards by the election, to reach voters with our personal connection to Mr. Walz and encourage them to be part of the democratic process and vote on election day.”
The Mankato West alumni group has no affiliation with the Harris-Walz campaign, Vote said, and nobody has told them what to say or how to say it. To Vote, that’s likely at “Mr. Walz’s” request.
As junior class president, Vote was a member of the prom committee that came up with the theme, “In our wildest dreams.” Instead of choosing a theme and decoration package from the prom catalogs, the class wanted to take on all aspects themselves.
Prom advisers Gwen and Tim Walz listened patiently, nodding as they heard the students’ ideas.
“And then Gwen said, ‘Well, I think you guys need some time to really think it over and maybe look back through the catalogs,’” Vote remembered. “And then she got up and walked away.
“And I remember Tim saying, ‘Hey listen, if you really want this, you have to get so specific. We can tell you’re excited, but we don’t know where we’re going. So get specific.’”
Now, as the Harris-Walz campaign starts to “get specific,” the students are getting excited all over again.
At first, an individual made shirts so people could identify as Mankato West alumni supporting Harris and Walz. Those shirts quickly sold out, so a professional firm that guarantees part of each purchase goes to the campaign was found and new designs created. (They can be found at
One alum owns a bar in the Twin Cities and will be having a watch party during the presidential debate Sept. 10. And Vote spoke with Gwen Walz on her podcast, where Tim dropped in (
Another group, led by alumni from the class of 1999 (Serina Brekke Sulentic, Manda Hinkle, Anne Schaust, Allison Meyer and Casey Manthie), is working on final details for a Sept. 25 Zoom fundraising event.
According to Sulentic, plans are to show examples of alums appearing in support of the ticket, a guest speaking on the impacts of the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 on education and testimonials about personal impacts on students.
“We’ve been hearing alumni saying, ‘I’ve never voted blue since we’ve had the opportunity to vote. But what can I do to help?’ because they know this is a genuine human being who comes with interests of the people, for the people,” Vote said.
Added Brunner: “I think it is important to get Vice President Harris and Governor Walz elected because competence matters when it comes to electing the leaders of our country.”
She has expectations of leaders, she said:
“I want in my leaders the competence and capability to understand the complexity and nuance in making these really hard choices,” she said. In addition, she said, they need the compassion to understand the very human and real impact their choices have on ordinary Americans.
Finally, “the humility to ask for guidance and advice from smart people around them when they need help and information in making these decisions.”
With just two months left until the election, the group hopes to maintain the energy that was created during the first month, said Vote.
“So really, just continuing to keep this momentum, share stories that are relatable and make sure voters know that their vote is important this November,” she said.