MANKATO — The Mankato Area Public Schools Board will hold a hearing Tuesday for a proposed $36,882,526 tax levy for the 2024-25 school year.
The amount proposed is a 19.33% increase from this year, according to Director of Business Services Amanda Heilman.
Heilman said for a $250,000 home — the average in the district — total taxes for the school district levy would be $918 per year.
A presentation attached to the School Board agenda for Tuesday also shares that the property taxes per pupil for fiscal year 2024 are $3,355.
Also according to the presentation, the district’s general fund revenue for the 2023-24 school year is $122,163,609, with state sources making up 78.02% of that funding.
Expenditures totaled $117,333,412, with most of that money, 78.4%, going toward student programs and services.
The actual levy certification will be recommended at the Dec. 18 board meeting.
The public hearing is scheduled at 6:05 Tuesday in the Mankato Room at the Intergovernmental Center.
The School Board could also approve the parameters for its $105 million bond approved by voters for question one of the referendum at this meeting.
If passed, the resolution would give authority for Supt. Paul Peterson, Heilman and a School Board officer to handle documents related to the sale.
If approved, the bond sale would go through on Jan. 17, and a resolution approving the sale would be considered by the board on Jan. 22. Bonds would then close on Feb. 15.