We see in the book of Matthew chapter 9, verses 18-26, as Jesus was speaking to the multitudes, the scripture says, “A ruler came and worshiped Him,” and said to Jesus, “My daughter has just died, but come and lay your hand on her, and she will live.” Scripture tells us that Jesus and His disciples followed the ruler to his house.
The verses say, “When Jesus came into the ruler’s house, and saw the flute players and the noisy crowd wailing, He said to them, ‘Make room, for the girl is not dead, but sleeping.’ And they ridiculed him. But when they put the crowd outside, He went in and took her by the hand, and the girl rose. And the report of this went out into all the land.”
The ruler told Jesus that his daughter “had just died,” so we know it had not been several days. Yet, people were already at his house playing the mourning music, and others were “wailing,” the scripture says, over her death.
But when Jesus arrived and told the people that she was not dead but sleeping, they “ridiculed Him.” That means they probably argued with Him and told Him all the reasons why they knew she was dead. They were not open to a miracle from the Lord.
I love that Jesus said, “Make room.” Then, “the crowd,” the naysayers and distractors, were “put outside.” Jesus had to “make room” for the miracle!
Sometimes, we, too, must “make room” for a miracle in our lives.
Are you in need of a miracle, my friend? Big or small? Maybe it isn’t the same miracle as the ruler who needed his daughter raised from the dead, but maybe you feel your marriage is dead or on life-support, and it needs the touch of Jesus to be “raised from the dead.”
Maybe you have a desperate financial need or a child who has taken the wrong path in life, and things look hopeless; perhaps someone you love needs a healing miracle, but you have too many negative voices telling you, “It’s too late.” Maybe those people are already playing the funeral music and weeping over the death of that thing or person. Perhaps they don’t have enough faith to believe for a miracle.
If so, you need to “Make room” for that miracle and clear the house of all the naysayers in your life. The voices of the naysayers in our lives can often be so “noisy” that we can’t hear the voice of faith speaking.
I realize that some of the “naysayers” in our lives can be family, close friends, and coworkers. “Clearing the house” doesn’t necessarily mean you no longer speak to them. However, it might mean that you limit your time around them. You must set boundaries regarding naysayers, no matter who they are.
If you need a miracle from the Lord, you must “make room” for it in your mind, heart, and life. You must keep your eyes on the Lord and have nothing (or very little) to do with people who do not share your faith and hope that the Lord can perform a miracle.
We know God does not always answer prayers the way we want [Isaiah 55:8-9]. The “miracle” sometimes looks nothing like what we asked for — our loved ones die, we lose our jobs, friends let us down, spouses leave us, children walk away from God, and bad things happen to God’s people because we live in a fallen world.
But God calls His children to trust Him, to seek Him, and to pray for what we need and want, and expect Him to answer our prayers the way He sees fit, in a way that will ultimately bring Him glory [1 John 5:14-15].
Sometimes, the “miracle” we get is much greater and far-reaching than the one we asked for [Proverbs 3:5-6].
Luke 1:37 says, “Nothing shall be impossible with God.”
Make room for the miracles God wants to do in your life, my friend; clear the house and put the naysayers “outside” where they belong, keep your eyes on Him daily, and watch what He will do!
Lisa Hannan lives in Valdosta with her husband, attorney Miles Hannan, who has been practicing law in Valdosta for more than 30 years. She has a B.S. in psychology from Valdosta State University. You can find her at www.lisahannan.org.