Every year, each elementary and secondary school in the county selects a teacher of the year from their school. The News Courier will be publishing a few facts about each of the 2023 LCS teachers of the year during the next few weeks.
Name: Donald Story (Donnie)
School: Elkmont High School
Grade(s) taught: 12th Currently, taught all of them at some point
Subject(s) taught: Social Studies, Physical Education
Degrees & Granting Institutions, Special Certifications and/or Training:
University of Alabama — BS Human PerformanceAthens State University- BS Ed Physical Education/History (certification)University of North Alabama — Masters in Physical Education
How many years have you been in education? 25
How many are with Limestone County Schools? 23
What makes you proud to be an educator? It makes me proud to be an educator when I have the opportunity to see students succeed and become successful. To know that you had a small part makes it worth every second.
What has your experience in the education field taught you? There are so many things I’ve learned over the years. I know to be successful as a teacher you always have to be a student yourself. All of us should always continue to learn, not just teachers. I also have learned that society has changed and we must adapt. and even though we have made changes, students still want to know that teachers care and they want to learn from us.
What do you enjoy most about working for Limestone County Schools? We have great people working in Limestone County Schools. There is a great sense of pride in education that you can see at every school. I feel like our entire school district works well together to reach the same goals.
How do your students inspire you? Most students really want you to teach them. They want to know what you have to offer, and what you have experienced to help them prepare for the future. It inspires me knowing that they know that I care and they want to learn from me.
What are your hobbies? Bass Fishing, Watching Alabama Football/Basketball
Favorite Quote: “If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride — and never quit, you’ll be a winner. The price of victory is high, but so are the rewards.” — Coach Paul W “Bear” Bryant