FROSTBURG — The city of Frostburg announced the receipt of several grants Tuesday during a mayor and council meeting.
According to Community Development Director Bethany Fife, some of the grants fall into strategic demolition funding plans across the city.
Another will go toward improvements at a site at Glendening Park.
The city was awarded a $100,000 grant from the Maryland Department of Housing Development for the demolition of several properties on North Water Street and the removal of blight in that area.
The funding will also help improve the sites after demolition.
“It will prime that property for redevelopment down the road,” Fife said.
Additionally, Allegany County Economic Development was awarded a $250,000 grant that will go toward “structural stabilization” of several buildings on Main Street that require future work.
The project will be a collaboration between the city and county.
“We’re still hashing out the details of what that will look like,” Fife said. “We’re really excited that the state has invested that in our downtown.”
The city also received a $10,000 grant from Sustainable Maryland’s “Action Grant” program to add improvements to the Edible Arboretum at Glendening Park.
“That will support new plantings and site work to make it more accessible to the community,” Fife said.
The grant will help begin the final phase of planting and development at the site.
The arboretum, which sits behind the softball field, was constructed in 2019 and funded by Project Open Space.
The area contains only native fruiting trees and shrubs such as elderberry and persimmon.
The city received $1,500 more than requested, and Fife said that it “will go a long way” to finalizing the arboretum.