MANKATO — All four people involved in a collision at the intersection of Augusta Drive and Highway 22 were left with non-life-threatening injuries Monday evening, according to Minnesota State Patrol.
Paul Masaazi Nsubuga, 20 of Mankato, was driving a 2016 Toyota Rav4 west on Augusta Drive alone while Diego Jacobo Gomez, 31 of Fairfax, was driving a 2020 Chevrolet Silverado with two passengers south on Highway 22 when the cars collided around 3:50 p.m.
Nsubuga sustained non-life-threatening injuries but was not transported to the hospital.
Meanwhile, Gomez and his passengers — Irene Rebulloza, 47 of Fairfax and Naila Celeste Jacobo, nine of Fairfax — were transported to the Mankato hospital.
Nsubuga and Gomez were wearing a seatbelt at the time of the collision, but Rebulloza was not, and it is unknown if Jacobo was, the report said.
Road conditions were dry at the time of the incident, and alcohol is not believed to be a factor.