The Robert Loughridge Chapter of the National Daughters of the American Revolution recently recognized area high school Good Citizens. A school’s DAR Good Citizen must exhibit qualities of dependability, service, leadership and patriotism.
Alexander Andrews of Coahulla Creek High School was selected to advance to the region competition. Good Citizens from other area high schools include Kinsey Rae Woodson, Southeast Whitfield; Hannah Grace Hammontree, Christian Heritage; Kenneth Escobar, Dalton High School; Meredith Anne Phillips, North Murray; Rylie Judith Pinson, Northwest Whitfield; and Monica Jasmin Bautista-Lopez, Murray County.
Andrews is the son of Sara Elizabeth Jones. He aspires to obtain a degree in nuclear energy from the Naval Academy, is included in the National Honor Society and A/B Honor Roll, volunteers at Georgia Boys’ Estate, participated in mock trial and is Colts’ Council president.
Woodson is the daughter of Jennifer Woodson. She is a member of Beta Club, National Honor Society, Fellowship of Christian Athletes and was recognized by the state as a youth civic engagement leader. She also participated in Miracle Day and Whitfield County Special Olympics.
Hammontree is the daughter of Melody and Allen Hammontree. She received the 11th grade English and History Award, serves with Boys & Girls Clubs, is a scholar athlete, and is a member of the National Honor Society.
Escobar is the son of Claudia Escobar. He is involved in ROTC, Big Brothers/Big Sisters and participated in track and field and the state championship for discus and shot put.
Phillips is the daughter of Aaron and Ginger Phillips. She serves as president of the Student Council, is a member of the National Honor Society, is active at the City of Refuge and has completed a missionary trip to Guatemala.
Pinson is the daughter of Dana and Hollis Pinson. She is in Beta Club, the National Honor Society and the Spanish National Honor Society. She also volunteers at the elementary school and nursery at church.
Bautista-Lopez is the daughter of Maria Lopez. She is a member of the Beta Club, National Honor Society and Future Business Leaders of America. She has received an award for criminal justice, volunteers at the Chattanooga Food Bank and helps at voting polls.