Members of the Dalton City Council recently approved new security upgrades for City Hall and the Police Services Center.
The council members voted 4-0 to approve a $66,500 agreement with Data & Sound Specialties of Blue Ridge for new cameras and new door access systems at both buildings. Mayor David Pennington typically votes only if there is a tie.
The council members also voted 4-0 to:
• Approve a temporary construction easement and quitclaim deed for 701 Greenwood Drive. The easement allows the city to complete elements of the Ridge Street Stormwater Bypass Project that encroach onto the property. The quitclaim deed is for half of the unopened Ridge Street right of way. City records show the unopened right of way was approved by the council in 1986 but a quitclaim deed was never signed.
• Approve an amendment to the 2023 budget that adjusts revenue to account for $409,000 in income from insurance premium taxes and interest income.
The amendment also includes $226,875 in expenditures and transfers out including $133,000 moved to the capital fund, $75,000 for the new administrator in Municipal Court and other court expenses, and $60,000 for a new heating and air conditioning unit for the old post office that now houses the Carpet and Rug Institute and the Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce.
• Certify the results of a Dec. 5 runoff for a Board of Education seat won by incumbent Tulley Johnson.