The Second Annual Bainbridge Community Health Fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 7 on the Bainbridge Village Green at the corner of state Routes 7 and 206.
According to a media release, more than 30 health care providers and agencies from many disciplines will be there to address health and wellness concerns of the community. Screenings will be offered for breast cancer detection, hearing, vision and blood disorders. An American Red Cross blood drive, sponsored by the Bainbridge Rotary, will take donations at the town hall on Main Street. In addition, Lourdes-Guthrie Healthcare and UHS will have staff present to answer questions and provide referrals to their healthcare facilities.
Highlighted community care groups and agencies include Chenango County Health Network and Public Health, Chenango County Area agency on Aging, NAMI Mental Health support services, Southern Tier Cancer Services program, the Lighthouse Cancer Support group, and the Alzheimer’s Association. Cortland County will also be represented by their Healthcare/Tobacco Free Zone. The Binghamton Vet Center will be represented and the Stand with Me Dog Training programs for vets will be on site.
The Bainbridge EMS and Fire Department will have a fire engine and an ambulance on site and in addition to fire safety tips, will provide Information on the “Stop The Bleed” and “File For Life” Programs, the release stated. The Southern Tier AIDS Program and Narcan training will have folks there too. Head Start will be in attendance and they will provide activities for young people. The American Heart Association will offer hands-only CPR training throughout the day.
Short presentations and a question-and-answer session on “Preparing for the Inevitable” will be held at the Presbyterian church at 10 a.m. and will offer information from Beth Westfall of the Coughlin & Gerhart law firm on wills and power of attorney, health care proxies, DNR and MOLST, from Jeffrey Bagley of C.H. Landers on funeral pre-planning, embalming, cremation and green burials, from Gary Gifford of Bainbridge Memorial Works about monuments, and from Cindy Salak, Bainbridge Greenlawn Cemetery Associations, about cemetery plot purchasing. Spiritual care will also be presented for those interested.
Food and drinks will be available in the park during the day.
This annual event has been planned and organized by the First Presbyterian Church of Bainbridge, The United Presbyterian Church of East Guilford and St. Peter’s Episcopal Church of Bainbridge in an effort to provide expanded health and wellness information to community members. For more information email or visit