Editor’s Note: All events must be open to the public. Be sure to include the specific dates, times, prices and location of the event. Send to or to Press-Republican Calendars, P.O. Box 459, Plattsburgh, NY 12901-0459; fax, 561-3362.
Deadline for submissions: 5 p.m. the Tuesday before Friday publication.
Friday, AUG. 16
Town of Schuyler Falls Town-wide Garage Sale. Locations around Morrisonville, Woods Mills, Schuyler Falls, Irish Settlement and more. Post signs to direct people to your sale.
Community Campfire. 6 to 7 p.m., Cumberland Bay State Park, 152 Cumberland Head Road, Plattsburgh.
“The Catholic Summer School of America.” 12:30 p.m., Plattsburgh Senior Center, 5139 North Catherine St., Plattsburgh. Presented by Robin Labarge.
Saturday, AUG. 17
Fungus Among Us: Guided Mushroom Walk. 10 to 11 a.m., Point Au Roche State Park, 19 Camp Red Cloud Road, Plattsburgh. Meets at Deep Bay parking lot.
Punt, Pass & Kick USA Competition. 10 a.m., Melissa Penfield Park, 139 Boynton Ave., Plattsburgh. Skill competitions in punting, passing, kicking, broad jump and 40-yard dash for ages 6 to 15. Register online through the website.
Westville History Center and Museum. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., 3510 State Route 37, Westville Corners. Special recognition for Westville’s World War II veterans, who were killed in action in Europe and the Philippines at 11:30 a.m.
Sustainability Saturdays: Biodiversity Matters. 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., Point Au Roche State Park, 19 Camp Red Cloud Road, Plattsburgh.
Colonial Garden Party. 5 to 7 p.m., Adirondack History Museum, 7590 Court St., Elizabethtown. Music, cocktails, wine and Hidden Treasures art sale. $25 per person pre-registration, $35 at gate.
Community Campfire. 6 to 7 p.m., Macomb Reservation State Park, 201 Campsite Rd, Schuyler Falls.
Sunday, AUG. 18
Sunday Field Day. 9 to 11 a.m., Cumberland Bay State Park, 152 Cumberland Head Road, Plattsburgh. All ages welcome. Meet in front of the restroom building closest to the beach.
St. Patrick’s 11th Antique & Classic Car Show. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., St. Patrick’s Church, Rouses Point. Pre-registration $15, $20 day of show.
Visit the Bluff Point Lighthouse. 1 to 3 p.m., Valcour Island, Plattsburgh. Three floors of exhibits on island history. Your own transportation required.
Elmore SPCA Breakfast. 9 a.m. to Noon, VFW Post 125, 116 Boynton Ave., Plattsburgh. Takeout available.
Monday, AUG. 19
Little Explorers: Cats. 10 to 11 a.m., Point Au Roche State Park, 19 Camp Red Cloud Road, Plattsburgh. Join a park naturalist for our nature-themed story and playtime for ages 5 and under. Come explore with stories, songs, and art projects from 10 to 10:30, then stay for some outdoor playtime. Ms. Heather used to be a dog person but now her cats rule her world. Let’s learn about these manipulative little monsters and their wild cousins. Bring pictures of feline family members if you so choose.
Tuesday, AUG. 20
Adirondack Artifact Night. 7 p.m., New Vida Restaurant, 6394 State Route 86, Jay. Wilmington Historical Society invites community members to share stories about their history during town hall-style event. Visit for more information.
Wednesday, AUG. 21
“Prescott’s Six Generations in Keeseville: Challenges and Triumphs.” 7 p.m., Keeseville Fire Department, 8 Pleasant St., Keeseville. Talk by author Karen Prescott.
Thursday, AUG. 22
APIPP Invasive Species Training. 5:30 to 7 p.m., Point Au Roche State Park, 19 Camp Red Cloud Road, Plattsburgh.
The Catholic Summer School of America. 6:30 p.m., Clinton County Historical Association, 98 Ohio Ave., Plattsburgh. Presented by Robin Labarge.
Friday, AUG. 23
Share Your Park Story. 10 a.m. to Noon, Point Au Roche State Park, 19 Camp Red Cloud Road, Plattsburgh. New York State Parks is 100 years old this year, and Point Au Roche has an interesting past that predates its inclusion in the parks system. Join for an informal gathering to share memories and meet friends old and new.
Community Campfire. 6 to 7 p.m., Cumberland Bay State Park, 152 Cumberland Head Road, Plattsburgh.
Saturday, AUG. 24
Nature Scavenger Hunt. Point Au Roche State Park, 19 Camp Red Cloud Road, Plattsburgh. Get your family out of the house and join us for a guided scavenger hunt along the trails of the park. All ages and abilities are welcome. Walk will be approximately 1 mile on easy trails.
Jay Day Celebration. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Jay Village Green, 12964 State Route 9N, Jay. For updates on information and events, visit
4th Annual Fly-In Festival. 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Malone-Dufort Airport, 27 Airport Road, Malone. Airplane and helicopter rides. Vendors, music, food. Adults 16+, $5 each. Featuring the NYS Police helicopter and many visiting aircraft.
34th Annual Run for John. 5 p.m., Forrence Orchards, 2731 State Route 22, Peru. Registration from 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. Visit for more information.
Community Campfire. 6 to 7 p.m., Macomb Reservation State Park, 201 Campsite Road, Schuyler Falls.
Sunday, AUG. 25
Sunday Field Day. 9 to 11 a.m., Cumberland Bay State Park, 152 Cumberland Head Road, Plattsburgh. All ages welcome. Meet in front of the restroom building closest to the beach.
4th Annual Fly-In Festival. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Malone-Dufort Airport, 27 Airport Road, Malone. Airplane and helicopter rides. Vendors, music, food. Adults 16+, $5 each. Featuring the NYS Police helicopter and many visiting aircraft.
Visit the Bluff Point Lighthouse. 1 to 3 p.m., Valcour Island, Plattsburgh. Three floors of exhibits on island history. Your own transportation required.
Chinese Auction. Noon to 3 p.m., American Legion Post 1623, 3958 State Route 374, Lyon Mountain.
Monday, AUG. 26
Little Explorers: Dragonflies. 10 to 11 a.m., Point Au Roche State Park, 19 Camp Red Cloud Road, Plattsburgh. Join a park naturalist for nature-themed story and playtime for ages 5 and under. Come explore with stories, songs, and art projects from 10 to 10:30, then stay for some outdoor playtime. Learn about our agile friends the dragonflies and go on a walk to watch them in action.
Women’s Equality Day Commemoration. 1 to 2:30 p.m., Kent Delord Museum, 17 Cumberland Ave., Plattsburgh.
Clinton County Board of Health. 7 p.m., First Floor Meeting Room, 137 Margaret St., Plattsburgh. Requests to address the Board of Health must be received two working days prior to meeting at
Tuesday, AUG. 27
Lake Placid/Wilmington Connecting Youth and Communities Coalition 4th Annual Health Awareness Event. 6 to 8 p.m., Wilmington Public Beach, Bowman Lane, Wilmington.
Champlain Valley Toastmasters. 6:30 to 8 p.m., Cornell Cooperative Extension, 6064 State Route 22, Plattsburgh. Email or call 518-335-1951 for more information.
The History of Railroads in Clinton County: Part 1. 6:45 p.m., Lake Forest Retirement Community, 8 Lake Forest Drive, Plattsburgh. Presented by transportation historian Dick Soper.
Thursday, AUG. 29
Bug Art with Happy Pike. 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., Point Au Roche State Park, 19 Camp Red Cloud Road, Plattsburgh. Join the last summer art class with Mavis from Happy Pike. This month’s theme is insects. Happy Pike Mini Art Series classes will conclude with a short ice cream social. Suggested age 7 to 11. This program is limited to 12 participants. Email to register your child.
“Turning Centuries” with Ken Youngblood. 2 p.m., Saranac Village at Will Rogers, 78 Will Rogers Drive, Saranac Lake. Presentation by author Ken Youngblood on his favorite cycling stories across 40 years and three continents.
Friday, AUG. 30
Bark Ranger Launch Party. 10 a.m. to Noon, Point Au Roche State Park, 19 Camp Red Cloud Road, Plattsburgh. Does your dog have what it takes to become a B.A.R.K. Ranger? Bring your furry family members in to sign the pledge and receive a Bark Ranger bandanna. Optional Bark Ranger Walk at 11a.m. All dogs are invited to become BARK Rangers. Well-behaved and leashed dogs are welcome on the group walk.
Community Campfire. 6 to 7 p.m., Cumberland Bay State Park, 152 Cumberland Head Road, Plattsburgh.
Saturday, AUG. 31
Pop-up Thrift Shop. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., AuSable Valley Grange No. 973, 1749 Main St., Keeseville. To benefit Artistry Community Theatre.
Mini-Beast Safari. 10 to 11 a.m., Point Au Roche State Park, 19 Camp Red Cloud Road, Plattsburgh. Participants will learn what makes an insect an insect, then search for and collect some insects on the trails around the Nature Center to examine more closely. All ages and abilities welcome. All bugs will be released following the program.
Community Campfire. 6 to 7 p.m., Macomb Reservation State Park, 201 Campsite Road, Schuyler Falls.
Sunday, SEPT. 1
Mooers Vol. Fire Department 66th Annual Labor Day Celebration. 10 a.m., Mooers Fire Station, 2508 Route 11, Mooers. Visit for information on events.
Final Visit of Summer to Bluff Point Lighthouse. 1 to 3 p.m., Valcour Island, Plattsburgh. Three floors of exhibits on island history. Your own transportation required.
TWC Channel 30, Saranac Lake Channel 2 and Charter Channel 192: Monday, Aug. 19, 7 p.m., and Tuesday, Aug. 20, 8 p.m.
Home Town Cable’s Calvin Castine is at the Altona Fire Department parade, followed by a visit to the YMCA’s Camp Jericho with Legislator Francis Peryea, Northeastern Clinton vs. Saranac varsity boys basketball, Chazy vs. Lake Placid varsity baseball and Northern Adirondack vs. NCCS varsity baseball at The Big Ball Diamond in Lyon Mountain.
Home Town Cable’s Spectrum Cable-TV schedule for Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 26 and 27.
TWC Channel 30, Saranac Lake Channel 2 and Charter Channel 192: Monday, and 7 p.m., and Tuesday, 8 p.m.
Home Town Cable’s Calvin Castine is at the Mooers Library to learn more about their summertime activities, followed by part one of Dick Soper’s northern railroad story for the Clinton County Historical Association, then it’s Plattsburgh Little League baseball and Northern Adirondack vs. Saranac Lake varsity softball.