NORWICH — In celebration of Path Through History weekend, the Chenango County Historical Society will unveil an exhibit refresh of “Chenango County in Fifty Stories,” Oct. 12 on display in the museum’s newly renovated upper west gallery at 45 Rexford St. in Norwich.
According to a media release, the exhibit, curated by CCHS Operations Manager Joe Fryc, will show “the vibrant history of Chenango County.” This exhibit features a wide range of artifacts representing a diverse cross-section of communities and topics. From Afton to Smyrna, from agriculture to transportation, from arts to technology, and from entertainment personalities to political figures, this exhibit offers a dynamic snapshot into how regional heritage extends beyond county borders.
“Concealed among commonly known narratives of a community’s history lie hidden gems,” Fryc, said in the release. “This exhibit seeks to spotlight the less visible accounts that shape Chenango County. Each vignette provides a brief glimpse into an individual story. Our goal is for every visitor to leave with a new story that catches their interest and inspires them to explore further.”
Beginning at 10 a.m. Saturday, commemorative activities related to the “Chenango County in Fifty Stories” exhibit refresh will take place throughout the day, including the debut of a Knuckle Down Coffee Co. blend inspired by “Old Chenango” brand coffee and an afternoon performance by the Real Time Jazz Band, the release stated.
Also according to the release, a highlight of this year’s refresh is a specially commissioned piece by artist Julie Borden, known as “Juleez,” who is “the most recognized creator of hand-painted musical instruments as works of art for more than 20 years,.” Borden was raised in Norwich. Some of her clients include Farmers Insurance NASCAR Corporation Division, The Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles, and The U.S. Marine Squad VMFA-251. Her hand-painted cellos and keyboard graphics have been featured in music videos for The Piano Guys, for whom Borden worked on set filming at Walt Disney World.
“We are so excited about this season’s ambitious exhibit upgrades,” said CCHS Executive Director Jessica Moquin in the release. “Very special thanks to the Roger Follett Foundation, whose tremendous generosity in particular has made this one-of-a-kind gallery experience possible.”
Visit for more details about this and other museum programs.