I am on Facebook, and I am sure some folks would say I post too often. I don’t force anyone to be friends in that forum with me, and Facebook Friends come and go, but most of mine seem to stay. I use the forum, primarily under my personal Facebook page, “Burton Fletcher,” to promote animal welfare issues, the Burton Fletcher Foundation for Animals, and various animal rescue topics, with a bit of religion, church activities, and self-help tossed into the mix.
When folks post topics lacking critical thinking skills, mindlessly serving as a cheerleader for their politician of choice, or being extreme with their views, I do not enjoy it very much. Everyone can express themselves in that forum, and I usually accept the bad with the good until the negative posts outweigh the positive, and then I say goodbye. I am confident that others have the same philosophy with my posts.
I like the memes that folks post supporting animals in need, and I will share some of those memes in comment form in this article. I have lightly edited some of the comments, and I hope you enjoy them.
“There is no greater earthly privilege than to have been loved by a dog.”
“When I die, please don’t say, ‘I’ll never have another dog.’ Search for the ones who are abandoned and forgotten. Give them a second chance and let them take my place. Honor my life by saving another.”
“No matter how long we have them, it’s never long enough.”
“When someone says, ‘It’s just a dog,’ I think, ‘You’re just an idiot.’”
“Always spend time with someone who makes you happy. For me, that’s my dog.”
“When I needed a hand, I found your paw.” “I loved you from the first moment we had, and I promise I will love you until the very last.” “I don’t care who dies in the movie, as long as the dog lives.” “At the end of the day, her best friend was always there for her, and that’s all that mattered.” (The girl is in bed with her dog sleeping beside her.)
“Compassion for animals is intimately associated with goodness of character, and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man.” Arthur Schopenhauer
“Never ask a pet lover to choose between you and their pet. Because they will choose, and it won’t be you.”
“Maybe I love animals so much because the only time they have broken my heart is when theirs stopped beating.”
One quote that I have modified to change “people” to “animals” is: “No matter what happens in life, be good to animals. Being good to animals is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.”
Some readers will prefer this version: “No matter what happens in life, be good to people and animals. Being good to people and animals is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.” Upon reflection, I believe the second version is more in line with my Christian values and is preferred.
We like what we value and dislike what conflicts with our values. If you are Facebook Friends with me, please share your favorite animal welfare and rescue memes, and I may use them in future articles. If we are not yet friends on Facebook, you may add me as a friend, or if you are outside the South Georgia or North Central Florida area, you may follow my page.
I especially like this final comment and hope you will take it to heart. “When you get that tax return, if you have pets that are not spayed or neutered, please make that a priority! Get an appointment scheduled and have it done! LIVES DEPEND ON IT!”
If your pets have been spayed or neutered, please donate this extra money to one or more animal rescue organizations and support their life-saving efforts. It takes a village; if you are not helping, please don’t be part of the problem. We want to help you build a heroic legacy for yourself that you, your family, friends, and community will be proud of.