Hamilton Medical Center announces the following births:
• Zayani Rosie Santos, daughter of Kinat Hernandez Garcia and Michael Francisco Santos of Dalton, April 8.
• James Maxwell, son of Jordi and Jay Motley of Dalton, April 8.
• Bo Jaxon, son of Hayleigh and Chris Locke of Dalton, April 8.
• Atilla Sterling, son of Amitu Cordell and Andrew Shankles of Dalton, April 9.
• Kasen Daniel, son of Kasey and Nathan Killian of Dalton, April 10.
• Lucille Hendrix, daughter of Abby and Dylan Hamilton of Eton, April 10.
• Khari Inanna, daughter of Ashley and Derrick Hart of Dalton, April 11.