Q. I eat a banana almost every day. Recently, my daughter was over and told me that bananas aren’t healthy for me.
Is she right? Or can I still enjoy my banana for breakfast?
A. Bananas are the most popular fresh fruit in the United States. They are rich in fiber and potassium while low in sodium, a recipe for a healthy cardiovascular system.
Bananas can easily get overshadowed by other fruits, but they pack a powerful nutrition punch. Most people know that bananas are a good source of potassium. The potassium in bananas is important for heart health and controlling blood pressure.
But new research has found other valuable nutrients and health benefits from eating bananas.
Although potassium is best-known for heart benefits, studies found potassium may also protect muscle mass. Researchers found seniors with a higher potassium intake had more muscle mass than those who lacked potassium in the diet.
The potassium in bananas has many benefits including to help neutralize acids in the body and to protect bones. Higher potassium intake is linked to better bone density, which can slow the onset of osteoporosis.
Bananas have a combination of nutrients that help increase iron absorption from other foods. Both vitamin C and prebiotic fiber in bananas aid in iron absorption, important since many Americans are deficient in iron.
The key is to consume vitamin C along with the iron-containing food at the same meal.
The vitamin C in bananas is an antioxidant that may prevent skin cell damage and slow signs of aging. Additionally, vitamin C supports collagen production which plays a key role in maintaining skin elasticity and promoting rejuvenation.
Gut health is a hot topic. Bananas contain around 3 grams of fiber, and the type of fiber they have helps with softening stools and prevents constipation and bloating.
The fiber in bananas also acts as a food for the good bacteria in your gut, helping to keep your gut microbiome happy and healthy.
Since one banana costs around 23 cents, they are an economical and nutritional bargain. Try eating a banana at breakfast or lunch, as a snack or even dessert.