Let’s hear it for the boys.
Let’s hear it for Justice Samuel Alito blaming his wife, Martha-Ann, for hanging the United States flag upside down. 4 U.S. Code § 8 (a) clarifies that the union symbol should never be flown upside down “except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.”
It seems that both his wife and their property were not in any significant danger unless one were to view a neighbor’s political yard sign as a potential threat. According to Justice Alito’s account, his wife became irritated by a lawn sign displayed by their neighbor, and in an act of symbolic retaliation, she inappropriately decided to fly the flag.
I think Mrs. Alito deserves a little grace. It wasn’t her fault. Communication is a key to a successful marriage. He should have mansplained the U. S. Flag Code to her instead of blaming her for his shortsightedness.
Let’s hear it for Senator Robert Menendez and his unwavering commitment to representing New Jersey since 2006. Senator Menendez has faced federal corruption charges on two occasions. In January 2013, the FBI raided the office of Florida ophthalmologist Saloman Melgen, a close pal and major donor to Menendez. A federal grand jury began investigating Menendez for his role in advocating Melgen’s business interests. In 2015, charges were filed against Menendez, but they were ultimately dismissed in 2018 due to the jury’s inability to reach a verdict.
On the other hand, it might be more difficult for him to shake off the second set of federal charges that were filed against him in 2023. Charges have been filed by the authorities against him and his wife, Nadine, for their alleged involvement in assisting and disclosing confidential U.S. information to Egypt. According to the allegations, they received $480,000 in cash and gold bars valued at over $100,000, as well as other objects that the authorities found. The senator, however, denies knowing about the cash and gold found in his wife’s closet, saying that he was unaware because she always locked her closet and kept the key.
I hold the belief that Senator Menedez, similar to Justice Alito, should be held accountable for the actions carried out by his wife. If Bob had not informed Nadine, it would have been impossible for her to know what was wrong. Based on my observations, it can be concluded that the senator was lacking the necessary comprehension and competence to effectively lead in a patriarchal manner. Do you know the expression, “What’s yours is mine and what’s mine is yours”? He should have changed the locks and made her leave a key. If he had done that, he might have a better chance of surviving these newer charges.
From a flag faux pas to a clandestine closet, these gentlemen are learning that the path to power is paved with unexpected domestic detours that resemble the television sitcoms “The Honeymooners” and “I Love Lucy”.
“To the moon Martha-Ann!” “Nadine, you got some explaining to do!”