NORTH MANKATO — Nicollet County Sheriff’s Office is seeking help in its investigation of a recent break-in and vehicle theft at a campsite a few miles northwest of North Mankato and near Highway 14.
Deputies responded to a March 15 call reporting damage earlier this month to locks on outbuildings at the Sawmill Campground, 41392 520th St. The caller said multiple locks on outbuildings were cut and that camping vehicles parked at the site were unaccounted for after the incident.
When deputies arrived at the site, they found evidence that someone had broken into the main residence as well as several campers and outbuildings. They determined a 2002 Forest River Wildwood 28-foot camper had been stolen and that several parked campers showed signs of tampering.
An early 2000s Ford Super Duty truck had been seen at the campgrounds between 8-8:30 p.m. March 12. The truck had parked near the stolen camper.
Anyone with information regarding the incident or who may have seen vehicles or people at the campground on or near March 12 should call Investigator Darrin Isaacson at the Nicollet County Sheriff’s Office, 931-1570.