MOULTRIE – AgGeorgia Farm Credit recently hosted a “Little Farmer Operating Day,” a way for members’ children to become involved in the business aspect of their family farming operation. Patrick Gallagher, commercial loan officer in the Moultrie Office, wanted the children to understand their importance to their family farm operation by creating a “contract” for them to sign.
“We wanted our members’ children to understand how important they are to the success of their family’s farm,” said Gallagher. “They already help out on the farm with chores or assigned tasks, but I wanted them to experience the business side of how a farm operates.”
Gallagher first explained to the children how their jobs help their farms be successful, what a contract is, and then presented the form for them to sign. The agreement stressed that safety on the farm to be top priority for the kids and their families. It also stated that signers would promise to listen to their parents and family at all times, work hard and have fun, and most importantly for Gallagher, give Mr. Patrick a big high-five whenever they see him.
After signing, the kids were treated to snacks and presented with toy tractors and goodies provided by Scotty DeMott of DeMott Tractor, Will Hobbs of Lasseter Tractor, and Mike Horne of Southern Tractor and Outdoors. Moultrie Mayor and local attorney Bill McIntosh was also present for the signing.