AMESBURY — From members of the high school hockey team refining their skills to first-time skaters recovering from falls, the recently reopened ice rink at Town Park near Amesbury High’s exit onto Highland Street has gotten plenty of use in the few days it has been open.
“We’re having a fun time. I just want to say thank you to the volunteers for making this happens. This is fantastic,” Amesbury resident Alison Pruna said, while teaching her 7-year-old daughter, Miriam Pruna, on Tuesday afternoon.
The 60-foot-by-100-foot rink rink, which opened last Wednesday, was restored after a few years out of operation thanks to the efforts of local volunteers Dan Ouellet, Sal Begis and Shawn Pappas.
“It’s been a lot of fun to see all the use that it’s getting from all the different late age levels and all the different experience levels,” Ouellet said.
While out enjoying the ice Tuesday, Amesbury resident Joshua Webber said he was grateful to have a spot to teach his son, 6-year-old Jaxon Webber, how to skate.
“It’s a safe place for the kids to come and play and not have anything to worry about it not being frozen or thick enough ice and having to worry about kids falling through,” Joshua Webber said.
He said it is also a great place for them to meet friends.
“They get to see people that are more experienced and they can learn from and look up to,” Joshua Webber said.
Getting right back up from a tumble to the ice, Jaxon said he loves nothing more than skating.
“It’s my favorite thing. And I’ve been training for so long to be able to play hockey like my friends,” Jaxon said.
Among the more experienced skaters on the ice was Amesbury High School varsity hockey defenseman Van DiLorenzo, who said he has been coming out to the rink the past few days to skate and help shovel.
“I thought it was pretty cool ‘cause the ponds down there aren’t always skateable, so it’s pretty nice to have this out for the people to skate on,” said DiLorenzo, a junior.
He is looking forward to using it for the rest of the season
“It’s pretty good quality. Pretty skateable,” DiLorenzo said.
Ouellet said one thing about the rink that has been great is how folks have pitched in to make sure it is properly equipped, bringing hockey nets, picnic tables and more.
“We have a friend of mine that was just like, ‘How can I help?’ I’m like, ‘We probably could use some more benches.’ Boom, next day, there’s three more benches out there,” Ouellet said.
For those interested in regular updates on the rink, the volunteers have set up a Facebook page at
Matt Petry covers Amesbury and Salisbury for The Daily News of Newburyport. Email him at: