I remember. I will not forget; none of us will.
My kids will never know life before Sept. 11, 2001. It is a sad reality, but one I welcome. In that reality, I have peace knowing we serve a God bigger than war, injustice, and sin.
Fourteen years after planes took aim at the World Trade Center Towers and the Pentagon, rays of sun beamed over the National Guard Armory in Moore Park in Bryan, Ohio. I was on a morning walk after dropping my children off for school. It was quiet, much like I imagine it was the morning of that fateful day in 2001. The flag was still against the morning haze and the parking lot was nearly empty.
People took to the park that day for their morning routine; walking, running, and spending time with their kids. That day was an ordinary day and each day after the same.
Today my story is not much different from that of 23 years ago. The surface has changed; circumstances have changed, but the story written in my heart is the same. It is a story of grace, mercy, and freedom. We wake each morning to find that Jesus still reigns. His peace overcomes us. We wake today to know that in a world of injustice, unrest, and the great unknown – He has our back. He is standing for us.
I remember where I was on that day 23 years ago because I remember finding my unbelief drowned out by the truth of what we still have today – this world needs Jesus more than ever before.
Was that day horrific? Yes.
Was that day unimaginable? Yes.
Did that day change forever the way we would view people, religions, and nationalities? Unfortunately, yes.
That day and still today, do I find victory over the enemy? A resounding yes.
This post-9/11 time we are living in will not win over my Jesus. My peace will not be compromised by people or their actions. My peace, freedom, and confidence will not be shaken by the world and the evil that is in it.
My story will not be about where I was that day – my story will be about where I am today. Today I woke up, prayed over my kids, and then headed to work. I didn’t worry about my safety. I didn’t look to the sky in anticipation of what may happen. I looked to the sky and thanked God for what I have, and for what today holds, not what yesterday was.
We can’t live in the past. We can’t forever hold on to where we were – we need to press on to where we are and where we will go.
God was with us on Sept. 11, 2001, He is with us today; and if you seek Him, you will see the beautiful picture that is your story.
Twenty-three years ago, the world turned to religion for understanding and peace knowing nothing else. Today is no different.
What will your story be? Will it be of a love that knows no bounds, or will it be of fear?
Will it be of victory over the real enemy, or will it be of a fear that makes you guard your heart against freely loving, serving, and living?
I will never forget where I was that day. I will never forget how my world and the world around me changed. What I choose to hold onto is grace that overcomes darkness, love without bounds, and a Savior who holds us when we can’t hold ourselves.