WASECA — Two men received stayed prison sentences and credit for jail time served in relation to a robbery in 2023.
Kiwand Keuonte Brown, 26, and Jaylan Whitley, 23, of Chicago, were recently convicted on second-degree aggravated robbery felonies in Waseca County District Court.
The two were charged in November after By-The-Way store employees told police they came in and pointed what appeared to be guns at them, according to a criminal complaint. Brown and Whitley went through the employees’ pockets and then nabbed everything in the cash register, the complaint states.
Police located their vehicle in Steele County and found a BB gun inside. Law enforcement reported finding a purse and cellphone stolen from the employees.
Brown and Whitley each served 221 days in jail. They’ll serve three years on supervised probation, with Whitley receiving a 21-month stayed prison sentence and Brown receiving a 36-month stayed prison sentence.
Brown received a downward departure from the sentencing guidelines due to his cooperation in the investigation and amenability to probation, according to court records.