ANDOVER: Men’s Breakfast
David Kahan will speak on Women in Science from the 19th to the 21st Century. Enjoy scrambled eggs, sausages, home fries, orange juice and coffee.
8:30 a.m., The Robb Center, 30 Whittier Court
Cost: $6 per person
Must register: 978-623-8320
Info: www.andoverma.gov/elder-services
LAWRENCE: Community Gallery Open
Visit each month for a new and exciting exhibit of art and historical collections of local residents. January will feature paintings of flowers, curated by Britt Boughner.
9 a.m. — 4 p.m., Lawrence Heritage State Park, 1 Jackson St.
Info: 978-794-1655 / https://shorturl.at/42KtU
Questions? Email: matthew.m.hagopian@mass.gov
LAWRENCE: Thelma Todd Theater Open
View one or more documentaries and film clips about the people who immigrated to Lawrence and the stories and cultures they brought here, including: “Collective Voices,” “The Bread & Roses Strike,” “A Child on Strike” and more. Films are shown on request and are best for ages 10 and up.
9 a.m. — 3:30 p.m., Lawrence Heritage State Park, 1 Jackson St.
Info: 978-794-1655 / https://shorturl.at/42KtU
Questions? Email: matthew.m.hagopian@mass.gov
LAWRENCE: Visitor Center & Museum Open
Come explore the history and development of Lawrence, one of the nation’s first planned industrial cities. The Visitor Center & Museum is located in a former boardinghouse, built in 1848, of the Bay State Mills, the first textile mill to produce cloth in Lawrence. All ages and abilities welcome
9 a.m. — 4 p.m., Lawrence Heritage State Park, 1 Jackson St.
Info: 978-794-1655 / https://shorturl.at/42KtU
Questions? Email: matthew.m.hagopian@mass.gov
METHUEN: Blood Pressure Clinic
9-11 a.m., Methuen Senior Activity Center, 77 Lowell St.
Registration required: 978-983-8825
HAVERHILL: Classic Matinees
Come watch “Saving Private Ryan” (1998) starring Tom Hanks and Tom Sizemore.
10 a.m. — 12 p.m., Haverhill Public Library, 99 Main St.
Info: 978-373-1586 / www.haverhillpl.org
GROVELAND: Explore Low Vision Technology
Join for an engaging session on the latest advancements in low vision technology. Discover practical tools that are easy to use and designed to enhance everyday life.
11 a.m., Council on Aging, Town Hall, 183 Main St.
RSVP: 978-556-7200 / www.grovelandma.com
HAVERHILL: Haverhill Women’s City Club Meeting
Meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from Sept. — June.
Come see what they are all about! This year they will host musicians, comedians, speakers, florists and local talent.
12-2 p.m., Haverhill Advent Christian Church, 160 Carleton St.
Cost: Free for members; guests are welcome and must pay $4
Info: Teresa Gagnon: 978-457-6928 / email tgagnon27@comcast.net
GROVELAND: Martin Luther King Jr. Presentation
Discover the enduring legacy of Dr. King as we explore his profound impact on civil rights, equality, and social justice.
1 p.m., Council on Aging, Town Hall, 183 Main St.
RSVP: 978-556-7200 / www.grovelandma.com
GROVELAND: Nichols Village Book Club
Meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. No registration required.
1-2 p.m., Nichols Village, 1 Nichols Way
Info: 978-372-1732 / www.langleyadamslib.org
LAWRENCE: Guided Museum Tour
Join for a 45-minute guided tour of permanent museum exhibits. Discover the important role Lawrence and its immigrant population played in the Industrial Revolution and labor movement. Best for ages 10 and up.
1-2:30 p.m., Lawrence Heritage State Park, 1 Jackson St.
Info: 978-794-1655 / https://shorturl.at/42KtU
Questions? Email: matthew.m.hagopian@mass.gov
METHUEN: Karaoke with Don Riccio
Come sing your heart out with new and old friends.
1:30 p.m., Methuen Senior Activity Center, 77 Lowell St.
Registration required: 978-983-8825
ANDOVER: Teen Weekly Activity
This week’s activity is coloring.
3-5 p.m., Memorial Hall Library, 2 N. Main St.
Info: 978-623-8400 / www.mhl.org
HAVERHILL: Cocoa, Cookies, & Cartoons (Grades 6-12)
Enjoy some hot cocoa and cookies while watching some cartoons.
4-5 p.m., Haverhill Public Library, 99 Main St.
Register: 978-373-1586 / www.haverhillpl.org
METHUEN: Teen Movie Club (Ages 13-18)
Members will get to choose the movie during the meeting.
4-6 p.m., Nevins Library, 305 Broadway
Register: 978-686-4080 / www.nevinslibrary.org
HAVERHILL: Monthly Mingle
A casual networking event to make new connections and mix with peers while enjoying complimentary appetizers and a cash bar.
5-8 p.m., Bosa Coastal Italian, 160 Merrimack St.
RSVP: Email: marketing@lupolico.com
Info: https://shorturl.at/1L2SL
ANDOVER: Cocaine Anonymous Meeting
With its all-inclusive Third Tradition and First Step, Cocaine Anonymous welcomes anyone with a drug or alcohol problem and offers a solution. C.A.’s Twelve Steps are not drug-specific, and Cocaine Anonymous is not a drug-specific fellowship.
6:30-7:30 p.m., The Robb Center, 30 Whittier Court
Info: 978-623-8320 / www.andoverma.gov/elder-services
NORTH ANDOVER: Tuesday Evening Book Discussion
Come discuss “North Woods” by Daniel Mason.
7 p.m., Stevens Memorial Library, 345 Main St.
Must register: 978-688-9505 / www.stevensmemlib.org
HAVERHILL: Comedy Masque
The group performs at local nursing homes throughout the year. Interested seniors are always welcome.
9 a.m., Citizen Center, 10 Welcome St.
Register: 978-374-2390 / www.cityofhaverhill.com
LAWRENCE: Community Gallery Open
Visit each month for a new and exciting exhibit of art and historical collections of local residents. January will feature paintings of flowers, curated by Britt Boughner.
9 a.m. — 4 p.m., Lawrence Heritage State Park, 1 Jackson St.
Info: 978-794-1655 / https://shorturl.at/42KtU
Questions? Email: matthew.m.hagopian@mass.gov
LAWRENCE: Thelma Todd Theater Open
View one or more documentaries and film clips about the people who immigrated to Lawrence and the stories and cultures they brought here, including: “Collective Voices,” “The Bread & Roses Strike,” “A Child on Strike” and more. Films are shown on request and are best for ages 10 and up.
9 a.m. — 3:30 p.m., Lawrence Heritage State Park, 1 Jackson St.
Info: 978-794-1655 / https://shorturl.at/42KtU
Questions? Email: matthew.m.hagopian@mass.gov
LAWRENCE: Visitor Center & Museum Open
Come explore the history and development of Lawrence, one of the nation’s first planned industrial cities. The Visitor Center & Museum is located in a former boardinghouse, built in 1848, of the Bay State Mills, the first textile mill to produce cloth in Lawrence. All ages and abilities welcome
9 a.m. — 4 p.m., Lawrence Heritage State Park, 1 Jackson St.
Info: 978-794-1655 / https://shorturl.at/42KtU
Questions? Email: matthew.m.hagopian@mass.gov
LAWRENCE: Kidleidoscope (Ages 3-5)
Join for a story time and hands-on activity.
10-11 a.m., Lawrence Heritage State Park, 1 Jackson St.
Info: 978-794-1655 / https://shorturl.at/42KtU
Questions? Email: matthew.m.hagopian@mass.gov
NORTH ANDOVER: Toddler Time (Ages 18-36 months)
10:30 a.m., Stevens Memorial Library, 345 Main St.
Must register: 978-688-9505 / www.stevensmemlib.org
GROVELAND: Drop-in Game Day
Drop by for games, conversation, and good company. No RSVP required.
12-3 p.m., Council on Aging, Town Hall, 183 Main St.
Info: 978-556-7200 / www.grovelandma.com
METHUEN: Special Wednesday Bingo
Join for 5 or 6 lively games with snacks, refreshments, and fantastic prizes provided by Bear Mountain.
12:15-2:15 p.m., Methuen Senior Activity Center, 77 Lowell St.
Registration required: 978-983-8825
ANDOVER: Healthy Eating Discussion Group
Cherie Monahan, RN, Public Health Nurse, will discuss all the ways you can support your physical well being through healthy eating. New members welcome.
1 p.m., The Robb Center, 30 Whittier Court
Info: 978-623-8320 / www.andoverma.gov/elder-services
GROVELAND: Tech Time Drop-in
Held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month.
Confused about setting up your new devices? Need help with word processing, email, internet browsing, or library e-resources? Bring your questions and device to the library for a drop-in tech help session.
1-3 p.m., Langley-Adams Library, 185 Main St.
Info: 978-372-1732 / www.langleyadamslib.org
LAWRENCE: Guided Museum Tour
Join for a 45-minute guided tour of permanent museum exhibits. Discover the important role Lawrence and its immigrant population played in the Industrial Revolution and labor movement. Best for ages 10 and up.
1-2:30 p.m., Lawrence Heritage State Park, 1 Jackson St.
Info: 978-794-1655 / https://shorturl.at/42KtU
Questions? Email: matthew.m.hagopian@mass.gov
NORTH ANDOVER: Social Media: What You Should Know
Facebook, Instagram, Tick Tok, X. Come and learn the major social media applications and what they are used for, and why and how companies use them for good and bad. Bring your questions and comments.
1 p.m., North Andover Senior Center, 481 Sutton St.
Register: 978-688-9560 / www.northandoverma.gov
ANDOVER: Andover and the Industrial Revolution
Join for a journey through Abbot and Marland Villages to learn about Andover’s industrial revolution- Smith and Dove fax processing, a gunpowder mill, Marland Mills woolens and Henry Tyer’s creation of white rubber products.
1:30 p.m., The Robb Center, 30 Whittier Court
Info: 978-623-8320 / www.andoverma.gov/elder-services
ANDOVER: Bereavement Support Group
The group supports each other and discusses some of the ways the loss of someone significant can affect our lives.
2 p.m., The Robb Center, 30 Whittier Court
Registration required: Email: susan.toleos@tuftsmedicine.org
Info: 978-623-8320 / www.andoverma.gov/elder-services
GROVELAND: Italian Conversation Group
3-4 p.m., Langley-Adams Library, 185 Main St.
Info: 978-372-1732 / www.langleyadamslib.org
LAWRENCE: Life Skills Program (Ages 12-18)
Teens can learn essential everyday skills through hands-on workshops, including resume writing, basic sewing, and more, designed to prepare them for real-world challenges.
3-5 p.m., Lawrence Public Library, 51 Lawrence St.
Info: 978-620-3600 / www.lawrencefreelibrary.org
HAVERHILL: Cookbook Club
The current cookbook is “In Bibi’s Kitchen” by Hawa Hassan with Julia Turshen.
6:30-7:30 p.m., Haverhill Public Library, 99 Main St.
Register: 978-373-1586 / www.haverhillpl.org
METHUEN: Adult Scrabble
All competition levels are welcome.
6:30-8:30 p.m., Nevins Library, 305 Broadway
Info: 978-686-4080 / www.nevinslibrary.org
ANDOVER: Teen Advisory Board
Teens, are you interested in volunteering at MHL? Check out the Teen Advisory Board (TAB).
7-8 p.m., Memorial Hall Library, 2 N. Main St.
Info: 978-623-8400 / www.mhl.org
GROVELAND: Teen Writers Club
A safe and supportive environment for sharing and growing your writing skills.
7-8 p.m., Langley-Adams Library, 185 Main St.
Register: 978-372-1732 / www.langleyadamslib.org
HAVERHILL: Author Talk (Virtual)
Author Leah Konen will discuss her new thriller, “The Last Room on the Left,” in this installment of “Author Hour in Massachusetts.”
7-8 p.m., via Zoom, Haverhill Public Library, 99 Main St.
Register for link: 978-373-1586 / www.haverhillpl.org