MOULTRIE – Trudie Mae Hill’s 55-year journey in education is a legacy of dedication to Colquitt County students reaching their highest potential by having the highest quality of education possible.
In her own words, “I’ve always cared about this community and I’ve always wanted to give back and that’s what it’s all about.”
Hill was honored by the Colquitt County Board of Education at its June meeting for her 20 years of service as a member of the board. Prior to joining the board, she retired after 35 years as a teacher.
Superintendent Dan Chappuis said during the presentation, “Mrs. Hill has been a cornerstone of our board, bringing unwavering commitment, insight and passion to her role. Over two decades, she has seen the ebb and flow of educational trends, the introduction of new technology and shifts in educational policy. Yet, throughout all these changes, her focus has remained constant: ensuring that every child in Colquitt County receives the highest quality education possible.”
“I am so lost for words. It’s just great to be honored for something that you really, truly enjoy doing,” she said at the presentation. “And this is all I wanted to do is work in the community and help others.”
During her tenure on the school board, Hill has served as chairman and vice chairman several times and, on the state and national levels, she has served on the Georgia School Boards Association as a member of the Delegate Assembly, Governmental Operations Committee, Advisory Council, Nominating Committee and as a legislative liaison. She was also a member of the National School Boards Association Federal Relations Network.
“It has always been about making a difference in the students’ lives. I am so thankful for being afforded the opportunity to work with the students. I knew I had found my calling, and it became my lifelong career, which I truly enjoyed,” Hill said.
In addition to her service to education in Colquitt County, Hill has served on the boards of organizations including Habitat for Humanity, the Colquitt County Arts Center, Communities in Schools, National Night Out/Neighborhood Watch, the Colquitt County Complete Count Census Committee, the Boys and Girls Club, Colquitt County Certified Literate Community, Colquitt County Family and Consumer Sciences, Court Appointed Special Advocates, and the Judicial Citizen Review Panel for foster care.