MOULTRIE — The John Benning Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution recently announced that Jean Eaton Gay has been recognized as the 2024 Outstanding Chapter Regent for the Georgia State Society DAR.
The award for Gay’s leadership of the chapter during her 2020-2022 term as chapter regent was presented by GSSDAR State Regent Betty Harrah. The presentation took place at the organization’s state conference held in Atlanta on March 23.
In remarks following the presentation, Gay expressed profound thanks to the John Benning Chapter members for making the award possible through their support.
“As we all know, 2020 brought us COVID-19, and with the pandemic came worldwide change. The John Benning sisterhood deserves to be applauded for becoming more innovative and meeting that challenge. Through your dedication, passion, and perseverance you exceeded every goal, for which I shall always be grateful.”
During Gay’s term, in addition to celebrating John Benning Chapter’s 110th anniversary and rededicating the Thigpen Trail marker placed by DAR in 1934, the chapter premiered several new projects. A Path of Valor was established in which the name of any US military person, living or deceased, can be inscribed and placed into the streetscape in front of the War Memorial. Signage was placed by DAR to identify Moultrie’s historic commercial district. General William Moultrie Day was set into motion honoring the city’s namesake, a Revolutionary general. Additions to the Main Street Park included the planting of three Liberty Trees and the installation of a flagpole honoring Mayor Bill McIntosh for his service to the community.
To honor veterans, John Benning Chapter sponsored the GSSDAR Outstanding Veterans Volunteer recipient/SE Division winner, coordinated with city and county officials to host the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Replica, and facilitated Library of Congress Veterans History Project interviews.
Winning several state awards, the chapter also won national recognition for the Path of Valor and for placing first in the GSSDAR with the most Wreaths Across America sponsored.
Gay has held numerous offices during her 26-year membership in DAR, including also serving as regent for the chapter’s 2010-2012 term. Other areas of service have been several terms as vice-regent, chapter registrar, and chaired numerous committees including membership where she has personally sponsored forty-plus new members to the organization. She currently serves the chapter as vice-regent in charge of membership, as well as Historic Preservation chair, American History chair and co-chair of the America 250! Committee established to plan DAR’s involvement and maximize its visibility during the nation’s upcoming 250th birthday.