Sue Lindke, a cosmetology teacher at Orleans Career and Technical Education Center, felt bad when a health issue prevented her being there for her students during the first few weeks of the 2024-25 school year. Luckily, she had the perfect substitute to fill in while she recuperated — her daughter Hanna Willard.
Willard, a graduate of Anne Carnahan’s cosmetology class, flexed her schedule at Home Town Roots in Lockport and her own business, HLW HAIR, to cover her mom’s absence and give back to an organization that gave so much to her.
“Being a BOCES alumni is one my greatest gifts,” Willard said. “I believe BOCES is a huge asset to students. It’s the first stepping stone into a career and has created so much opportunity for not only myself, but so many others.”
Being a substitute teacher “brought a new perspective for me and brought back my spark for doing hair,” Willard added. “I am heavily thinking about teaching and pursuing it as a second career in the future.”